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News & Events

A New Venue and a New Workshop!

Victoria Merness

I have a new workshop venue! The beautiful @littleshopofcreativitystandish

I'm really looking forward to coming to Standish near Wigan! Saturday 5th June, and it's Easy Crewel Embroidery this time, this is perfect for beginners as it features my new simplified designs. We'll have you embroidering in no time!

Wool threads and pure linen panels are gorgeous to sew with, come along to experience this mindful craft, it will be lovely to see you!

Something that I have observed at my workshops is that people make friends. It is always a lovely atmosphere, and I am very grateful for the lovely people that I have met so far 😘 Come along and make new like minded friends!

Bookings are online at my website and the link is above.


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